
  • When you visit, we hope you and your family have an amazing experience at our weekend gathering! 

  • We also hope you’re learning who we are, becoming familiar with our guiding values, and building the beginnings of new friendships here at North Terrace. 

  • When you’re ready, we’d love you to join us at “Pizza with the Preacher.” It's a chance to meet some of our staff, learn who we are as a church, and find your next step. 

What Now?

  • We’d love to see you at one of our Sunday gatherings! Services are in person at 9 and 10:30am, and children’s ministry is offered at both services. Dress however you’re most comfortable, and make sure to stop by our welcome desk so we get a chance to hear your story. You can learn more here!

  • Sign up for our next Pizza with the Preacher HERE. We’d love to hear more of your story, share some of ours, and help you find a great fit in our community!


  • Participating at North Terrace means you’re regularly joining us on Sunday mornings, (whether in person or online), but also building relationships at North Terrace in other ways such as joining a ministry team, taking part in service projects, attending Bible studies, and more. 

  • Our team of staff, elders and leaders are cheering you on, supporting you as you search for your best fit in the Kingdom, as well as North Terrace. We’ll help you find places to serve, inside and outside the church, and connect you to an NT Group where you can increase your knowledge of scripture within a smaller community of believers.

  • When you’re ready, you’re invited to take our Next Steps Class. Here, you’ll learn the One More Values in greater depth, and what it means to become a partner at North Terrace. 

What Now?

  • We believe Baptism is a crucial part of the process of salvation, and we practice baptism by immersion. If you’re interested in learning more, click here.

  • Rooted is a 10 week small group experience unlike any other. Whether you’ve been a Christian your entire life, or you’re still deciding if you believe in God at all, Rooted is for you. Click here to learn more.

  • NT Groups - Make friends, study God’s Word, participate in service projects and more by joining an NT Group!

    Interest Groups - Join a group centered around a common interest like basketball, pickleball, and even smoked meats!

    Burst Groups - Participate in short term (4-6 week) sermon based small groups with children’s ministry provided.

    Bible Studies - Join a small group of believers to study God’s Word together, at whatever pace is best for you.

    Men’s Group - Join our group geared specifically towards helping men study the Word of God together, serving and learning alongside each other along the way.

    Women’s Group - Join our group geared specifically towards helping women connect with one another, and study God’s Word together.

    Learn more here.

  • Interested in serving? Great! We have lots of ways to get involved, and we’d love to help you find a great fit for your gifts and passions. Click here to get started!

  • Click here to sign up for Next Steps Class. Every partner at North Terrace has gone through Next Steps Class, and it’s a vital part of finding your place and passion here at NT. We hope to see you there!


  • Partnering with North Terrace is making a formal commitment to grow, love, and serve on mission with this body of believers, using the One More values as our guide. 

  • As a team of staff and elders, we commit to loving, leading, serving and admonishing you to the best of our ability. As a community of partners, we commit to supporting each other as we pursue God’s One More together.

  • As you continue to grow, you may begin to feel the Holy Spirit pushing you to leadership. When the time comes, we’d love to meet to help discern what’s next.

What Now?

  • Becoming a Partner with North Terrace Church of Christ begins at Next Steps class, see above to sign up!

  • Our desire is for every Partner with North Terrace to have a pastoral leader to pray for, guide, and cheer them on. When you become a Partner, if you are not already in a small group or bible study group, we will get you connected to a Pastoral Community.

  • If you enjoyed Rooted, you’re going to love a Life In Rhythm experience! We are currently working on developing a way to roll out this sequel to Rooted and hope to have it available soon.

  • Interested in serving? Great! We have lots of ways to get involved, and we’d love to help you find a great fit for your gifts and passions. Click here to get started!

  • NT Groups - Make friends, study God’s Word, participate in service projects and more by joining an NT Group!

    Interest Groups - Join a group centered around a common interest like basketball, pickleball, and even smoked meats!

    Burst Groups - Participate in short term (4-6 week) sermon based small groups with children’s ministry provided.

    Bible Studies - Join a small group of believers to study God’s Word together, at whatever pace is best for you.

    Men’s Group - Join our group geared specifically towards helping men study the Word of God together, serving and learning alongside each other along the way.

    Women’s Group - Join our group geared specifically towards helping women connect with one another, and study God’s Word together.

    Learn more here.

  • North Terrace has ministry partners all over the world, and we love to serve wherever we can! If you’re interested in participating in our next Mission Trip, check out our events page to see if we have one coming soon!

  • Occasionally, some of our leaders will teach short term studies on specific books or topics. We are excited to be able to launch these soon. We are currently working on developing programs and timelines to support them.

  • As you take the next step into leadership at North Terrace, we want to equip you to thrive in your role. This class is how we make sure all our leaders start with the necessary tools and support. We are currently working on developing and rolling this Leadership Class out.


  • Whether it’s an NT Group, a volunteer team, or something else, you’re a leader among partners at North Terrace. You’re continuing to grow as a disciple, and you’re helping others in their journey along the way.

  • Because you’ve been uniquely gifted, and you’ve accepted unique responsibilities, you will be uniquely supported by our team. We will continue to equip and invest in you, while always remaining your pastors and friends. 


What Now?

  • The ministry at North Terrace wouldn’t be possible without volunteer leadership across each of our ministries, and every leader started as a follower in their respective ministries. To get involved and begin the journey towards leading a ministry, click here.

  • We are working on rolling out Leader Huddles, a way for Leaders at North Terrace to build community across ministries and invest in the future vision of North Terrace.

  • Leaders will always be supported by our team, and one of the means by which we offer that support is through direct mentorship. If you’re interested in starting a mentoring relationship, please contact the ministry leader under whom you serve.

  • In each ministry, our ministry leaders conduct regular training to keep our teams healthy. If you’re on a team, your leader will communicate with you regarding the next training session.